The United States Department of Energy / National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Material Management and Minimization (M3) will host the RERTR-2024 International Meeting in Lyon, France at the Lyon Marriott Hotel Cite Internationale from October 27-31, 2024. Argonne National Laboratory is organizing the meeting in cooperation with the IAEA. A virtual option will be provided for those unable to travel.
We are excited to celebrate this 44th instance of the RERTR International Meeting as we look toward our future shared successes in high enriched uranium (HEU) minimization and further proliferation resistance.
With the benefit of the student involvement during last year’s event, we are pleased to announce student participation will continue at RERTR-2024. This is an exciting opportunity for the RERTR community and the continued success of the program by involving the next generation of non-proliferation technical and policy professionals.
Meeting Agenda:
October 27: Registration (4:30 – 6:00 pm) and Welcome Reception (6:00 – 7:30 pm)
October 28-30: RERTR-2024 International Meeting Technical Sessions
October 31: Optional Technical Tour
The purpose of the RERTR-2024 International Meeting is to exchange information on the progress of national and international programs to develop low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuels, conversion analysis studies and licensing to convert research and test reactors to the use of such fuels. M3 is also soliciting discussion on broader proliferation resistance topics to develop the Proliferation Resistance Optimization (PRO-X) program along with innovative related research and the changing landscape for high-enriched uranium (HEU) minimization.
While there is a virtual attendance option, presenters are expected to attend the meeting in-person. In addition to oral presentations, poster presentations are also encouraged from in-person participants. Useful information and the required forms for submission of an oral or poster presentation are available on this website.
Important Deadlines | |
August 21, 2024 | Student Travel Grant Application Deadline |
September 10, 2024 | IAEA Travel Grant Application Deadline |
September 16, 2024 | Abstract Submittal & Publication Release Student Hybrid Participation Application |
October 21, 2024 | Online Registration Final Presentations / Posters |
November 1, 2024 | Final Papers |
View forms and deadlines for RERTR-2024 |
The three days of sessions will focus upon:
- Proliferation Resistance and Optimization
- Core Design, Safety and Utilization Analysis
- LEU Fuel Development, Fabrication, and Qualification
In addition to the traditional topics of current reactor conversion analyses and LEU fuel qualification, the M3 Reactor Conversion Program would like to encourage presentations on the following topics:
- Innovative Related Research: The development of technological solutions for increasingly complex conversions to LEU requires creativity and collaboration. To this end, participants are encouraged to submit papers regarding research or development topics related to conversion work that has seldom been highlighted or discussed in the RERTR context. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
– Conversion Lessons Learned with respect to Reactor Systems
– Status of Qualified LEU Fuel Fabrication and Supply
– Emerging Trends of Neutron Science and Isotope Production
– NSUF, ICERR and Other Research Reactor Consortia
– Benchmarking Data Development and Sharing - Changing Landscape for HEU Minimization: The RERTR program develops technology necessary to enable the conversion of civilian facilities from HEU to LEU fuels and targets. Since it began in 1978, the program and the research reactor community have achieved significant success; to date, 106 research reactors and medical isotope facilities worldwide have either converted to LEU or confirmed shutdown. While the mission remains the same, the environment and context for this work have changed. Participants are also encouraged to submit presentations addressing these changes, including but not limited to:
– Retrospective and Future Views of Research Reactor Programs
– Technology Advancements (such as beam lines, neutron guides, instruments…)
– Opportunities and New Challenges facing the reactor community (such as upgrades, cold sources, experimental loops and devices vs. plant ageing and workforce challenges)
– Connections between Advanced Power Reactor Community and Research Reactors
Technical and policy experts interested in attending the meeting must register prior to October 21, 2024. Participants having interest in any of the LEU conversion topics listed above are encouraged to present their work at the meeting. Please indicate your intention to submit a paper by completing the Abstract Submittal and Publication Release forms and submitting them no later than September 16, 2024. Other information to facilitate attendance and participation in the meeting is available by navigating this website.
For further information and questions please contact the Organizing Committee.